Appreciate Breweries When You Can Or They May Be Gone

This past weekend here in Cincinnati, we had the closing of another local brewery spot. This made me think about the importance of enjoying breweries when possible and being there to help show support. It is so easy nowadays for us to not do so and take things for granted.

The post-Covid life has more people enjoying things from home and away from the hustle and bustle of the past social lifestyles to which we were acclimated. This is understandable, but when we don’t get out and about we do run the risk of losing these great spots from around our communities.

In this situation, we saw the closing down of Taft’s Brewing Brewpourium here in Cincinnati. Now granted this was my first time visiting this location, however, I had visited the one in the past that had been in the area we call OTR. That one had been closed previously which was also sad to hear at the time.

One thing to also note is that I am not sure of all of the reasons that may have led up to this, as we have just relocated back to Cincinnati after being gone for 3 years and being in Baltimore. But this is still something that has been seen in various areas across the country. Even here in Cincinnati, it makes me think of the old Blank Slate Brewery as just one other example.

We often forget the importance of showing up for these locations because we get so many of their beers now through retail outlets, but going to the source can go a long way. Something to think about: If you enjoy a brewery, make sure to visit from time to time to let them know as well. If enough folks do this, it can go a long way to keeping them going and keeping some great pillars of our communities going even further.

