Pabst American Pale Ale Beer Review With The Beer PaTroll

For this beer video, I teamed up with Joe from his channel The Beer PaTroll to bring you a live review of the American Pale Ale Released from Pabst Brewing Company. Pabst introduced this 5% ABV and 30 IBU beer this year and we decided to check it out and give you our thoughts, although we know they are not worth much. However for me, I will say that I found it to be a little sweeter than expected, but the hops did play out okay and there was a decent piney feel in the taste. It’s not going to rival any of the craft beers, but for a macro, it played out okay and at times could be a fit for sure. My rating on this one 2.5 out of 5, and check out my video to see and hear more from me and to hear Joe’s assessment.
