Site For Beer Labels

This is a piece shared from the creators of Labely and if you are into beer labels then it may be worth you checking their site...

Beer is one of the world’s most popular drinks. People all over the world simply love beer. However, since the tastes generally differ, most people have their own favourite brand or type of beer; some people like lager while other prefer ale, and so on. Yet, there are so many beer types and styles offered that everyone can find the flavor they prefer.

If you think about it, beer actually plays a significant role in our lives. Whether you're meeting up with friends after work for a drink or two, throwing a party, organizing a family gathering, wedding celebration or any other event, there will be beer. A true beer aficionado will definitely confirm that there is nothing more refreshing than a cold beer at the end of a long and strenuous day.

Although people often prefer to drink a particular beer type, they are generally willing to try other beer styles as well, especially if they get a recommendation from a friend or read a good review or even if they find the beer label appealing. The labels can largely contribute to the way a certain beer brand is perceived and accepted by consumers.

Therefore, brewers think carefully what to put on the label that represents their brand. When designing a label, any help is welcome. For example, it is really handy to know someone with lots of experience in graphic design. However, not many of us know such person or have sufficient funds to hire a label design expert. Here comes Labeley, a free and easy to use beer label creator with a lots of features and options that allow users to create unique and personalized beer labels. The tool offers five different label elements to choose from: label shape, border, background, graphic and text. On top of it, there is a bonus feature that allows you to fully personalize the label by uploading any image from your computer (such as logo or a photo you think perfectly communicates your beer brand) and use it to design a totally unique beer label. Furthermore, every element category includes a wide range of free label shapes, backgrounds, graphics and more.

Besides creating a regular label, Labeley also offers an option to create a beer bottleneck label and make the whole beer package even more appealing.

Even though Labeley is a comprehensive tool, it is actually very easy to use. The first benefit is the fact that you don’t even have to create an account to use the free label designer. The designing process starts with selecting one of the shapes. Then you get access to a wide range of label elements to customize the label to your liking, save the design, download it on your computer, print out and voila! You have the perfect beer label for your brew. You can even use the tool for creating fun labels for parties. Wouldn’t it be jazzy if you had party beer bottles with fun beer messages on  them, such these two: “Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty beer glass” or “Beer prevents kidney stones”? Or, to have wedding beer bottles with a photo and names of the bride and groom?

On the other hand, if you want to save your label design for further modification, you can create a totally free account, save the design and they’ll be available for editing and further enhancement whenever you log back in.

If you’re at least intrigued by these features, check out Labeley, give it a spin and label your brew with the most original design!

Check out the Labeley site by clicking here:
