Beer Review: Adelbert's Travelin' Man

Austin, Texas is the home of Adelbert’s Brewery and recently
they reached out to me to take a look at some of their beers, and this is my
first look at their Travelin’ Man, which is their handcrafted Belgian IPA. Of
course, my attention was gained when I saw Belgian and then IPA right behind
it. Coming in at a 7% ABV and 55 IBU, this is one beer that I am looking to see
how it compares. Let’s check it out!

Commercial Description:

This deep golden ale possesses an aromatic nose with floral
and fruity notes. Its flavors are a blend of warm, soft biscuity malts followed
by a complex, clean finish. With this ale, we aimed to create an easy drinking,
one-of-a-kind IPA that leaves you wanting more. This beer was formerly, the
Traveler - renamed in 2015. 

THE STORY: The Travelin’ Man is homage to Del’s lifetime of
traveling. From Colombia to Kenya and everywhere in between, Del experienced
the world in ways few others ever will, and we are forever grateful for his
stories. We hope to inspire you to go out and make your own adventures.

2014 Craft Beer Awards Gold Medal
