Old Crafty Hen from Greene King - A Video Beer Review

The Old Crafty Hen is a 6.5% ABV English Strong Ale from
Greene King located in Suffolk, England. This Dark Amber Ale shines of a ruby
in color or a dark copper tint. It provides a nice head that can be considered
to be off-white or as some call it, bone white. It is a pretty looking beer for
sure, as you do get some nice lacing.

As for the aroma, there is a nice sweet malt forward
presence that highlights raisin, dark fruits and licorice. The aroma climbs out
of the glass, and you also pick up scents of its yeast and bready qualities, as
it does have that horse blanket type note. But, what about the taste you may

This ale is very smooth, both on the initial and on the
finish. It carries a single type malt quality which you get on the initial
taste, but the finish is that of a nice crisp ending. The flavors do get around
the mouth nicely, especially after that initial burst. It becomes refreshing on
the back, and almost ends like a breath of fresh air. The body has a medium to
full feel, and it seems that it may be a nice pairing for a cigar as well.
This beer delivers all around as having good drinkability, a
great appearance, and if you can’t tell, it has a very nice aroma and flavor.
The carbonation is done well making it very palatable, and in the end there is
not much bitterness as you end up with a nice distinguished beer.

Overall Rating: 4 Out Of 5
